Thursday, December 16, 2010

This Semester I...

...made some new friends via classes and BCM!

...stood up for my beliefs but perhaps not as often as I should have.

...learned that (if I don't lock my knees) I can bend over and touch my toes (thank you, lovely actingI teacher)! This was a wonderful moment in my life!

...learned that I need to work harder in schoool, and not just float through. I want to be proud of myself without comparing myself to others.
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, or each one should carry their own load. -Galatians 6:4-5

...was reminded that I need to be more careful of the words that I use in my everyday life.

...realized that I need to [re?]correct my way of thinking in many areas (my testimony, my standing with God, guys/romance).

...saw that God is currently doing great things in me and all around me.

...realized that I tend to isolate myself spiritually and I don't need to. I'm surrounded by believers I can turn to for support, encouragement, and edification.

A lot of great things happened this semester. I will take these lessons and discoveries into the next semester and the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. I enjoyed it very much. When I opened this I heard part of a song singing "she is trying". :-) Thanks also for sharing that verse. That is a good one that I want to keep around. Catrina I am so proud of the young woman you are growing into. You are beautiful in so many ways. I love you! xoxoxox Mom