Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Question for YOU

All I have for this post is a question.
Is it better to trust someone until they're proven untrustworthy
is it better to be skeptical of people until they prove they can be trusted?
I would really appreciate your feedback on this so PLEASE leave comments!


Benj said...

There has to be a balance between the two - life requires a certain level of trust, but if you trust anyone 100% you WILL be hurt.

In general, I would lean towards optimistic skepticism - slowly developing trust.

With parents, you pretty much know how far you can trust them by the time you're old enough to understand a question like this.

Friendships should develop carefully as well - the more trustworthy they prove over time, the more they can be trusted. You don't want someone laughing over your deepest dreams and struggles on their facebook status for the world to see.

When dealing with businesses, look at their records, certifications, and what-not.

In general, follow the standard of "he who has been faithful over little" from Matthew 25 (I know Jesus isn't talking specifically about relationships between people, but it applies).

Cat said...

Thank you, Benj, for your in-depth comments. They give me something to think about.

John said...

I agree completely with what Benj said, although, I tend to want to be able to trust everyone, but I always end up being really skeptical about everyone.