Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm Sorry...and Lexicon.

I realize that I have been neglecting my blog! I'm sorry for those of you who have come to my blog only to find that there are no new posts. I'll try to be better!

Anyways, life is pleasant right now. I was in a play called The Visit recently, which was fun. I'm taking Composition II right now (yes, I'm taking a summer class). I'm getting together with friends that I couldn't hang out with during play rehearsals, etc. I'm also writing more of Lexicon

Yes, I'm still working on my Lexicon project, which has turned into a Saga. When I work on it (which has been off and on), it is always evolving. Just recently, I created a new character and decided to add another story to Book 2. I'm starting to feel like J.R.R. Tolkein because of how long this project is taking.

I have character "trees" (with pix of celebrities as representations of the characters' faces); beautiful sketches of characters and objects (curtesy of my wonderful friend, John); notecards for characters and the story; I have 3-ring binders; and now I have a ton of folders for the main characters. It's crazy!

I do have chunks of the story (in my mind it's one big story with 3 rather large chapters) finished, but it's easy to get discouraged because I sometimes feel like I haven't accomplished anything. The end of this project seems so far away.

Don't get me wrong--I LOVE my Lexicon story. But I do look forward to moving on to another project.

Thankfully, right now, though, I'm getting a lot accomplished on the Saga. Like I said, I have beautiful sketches to look to for inspiration; I have a new character (welcome to the family!); I have made a big decision about the structure of Book 2; and I have actually written several scenes recently. So I just need to keep pressing on. :)

It will get done.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I am really happy to see you back on your blog. I look forward to more posts. Love, Mom

John said...

You can do it Cat! I believe in you! From one writer to another, you can make it. (And I don't know if I'd say beautiful... :)

Cat said...

Thanks, Mom!

And thanks, John! (And maybe you wouldnt but I would... :) )

Cat said...

Thanks, Mom!

And thanks, John! (And maybe you wouldnt but I would... :) )

Grandma G said...

I am glad to see you back on the blog also. I now know why you always have a pen and pad in your hand at all times. I know you can finish it.